Increase Self Confidence! FREE Guided Meditation to reveal Peace and relieve Anxiety

Hypnosis for Anxiety

These days it seems that Anxiety has become the disease of our times. With so much to do and such little time, it’s no wonder that we find ourselves struggling with Anxiety and all the symptoms the come with it. Heart palpitations, negative thoughts, worry, difficulty breathing, and panic attacks are all common symptoms. However, prolonged anxiety can lead to migraines, auto-immune disorders, addictions to smoking or drugs to relieve the symptoms, and as we all know, heart disease. 

Anxiety might seem like an insurmountable monster to overcome, but there is good news on the horizon. Through mindfulness techniques, thousands of people are coping amazingly well with the symptoms of anxiety and many have overcome it altogether. Hypnosis definitely fits into the mindfulness techniques, in fact it is a powerful tool! Hypnosis not only helps to calm down the nervous system (which is on overdrive during anxiety) but it also allows the mind to calm down through powerful focusing techniques. You can liken hypnosis to a a telephoto lens in which you zero in on the object of focus. With this intense focus, you can glean a lot of detail about that issue and once you understand it, overcoming it is much easier. 

Study after studies are showing that hypnosis has a profound affect on the symptoms of PTSD, especially on veterans. As someone who used to suffer from complex posttraumatic stress disorder, I am living proof of the power of hypnosis and mindfulness that it can be overcome! Time and time again, I see that clients who are suffering from stress overcome it much more easily after the hypnosis session. Things that used to bother them, all of a sudden don’t. Sometimes they even laugh at the things that drove them nuts! How can that be? Well, because the brain is plastic, meaning it’s able to change itself, a hypnotist is able to made suggestions to the brain over and over again to the point where new neural pathways are formed. Isn’t that amazing? This is why it’s so important to listen to your hypnosis recording daily!

Many times the symptoms of stress are so overwhelming that people turn to smoking or drugs to relieve the pain they feel. Sometimes people attach positive emotions to a cigarette, and our job as the hypnotist it to help you break the smoking addiction. In a recent time magazine article a researcher at Stanford University found that about half the clients that came to him for help with smoking addictions through hypnosis overcame it quickly. In RTT we find additions to smoking the easiest addiction to overcome. Once we help you understand the root of why you picked up this habit, your brilliant mind overcomes that chemical addiction! You have to experience it to actually believe it! Also during stress people turn to food; it’s a natural mechanism. However, once again, food addiction and even weight-issues can be overcome through hypnosis. 

Often the root of Anxiety is the feeling of “I am not good enough.” In reality you are good enough. The fact that you were born, that you are breathing, that you are contributing member of society (no matter how little) makes you good enough! It’s just that we can’t see that for ourselves. Often we get locked into old thinking patterns that we created when we just kids. Once we find out what those patterns are, we can help you write new patterns, new thoughts that are uplifting and mind-altering to say the least!

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