Increase Self Confidence! FREE Guided Meditation to reveal Peace and relieve Anxiety

What to Expect in an RTT Session

During an RTT session, you are guided through your subconscious mind to look at important events in your life from different angles. Through this process you will discover the interpretations and meanings you formed about those events and how they’ve subtly played out into your life today causing the issues you are facing. 

This work powerfully sets the stage for your transformation, guiding you to reset your old mind frame by influencing your brilliant mind to be reprogrammed to your desired benefit.  

Through the sessions we empower your mind to turn away from obstacles that impede you. 

Physical and emotional pain can be rapidly overcome through RTT.  How can this be? Well, the practitioner (that’s me!) helps you see deep within to investigate and dismantle the powerful significance you’ve attached to your issues and problems.  Support for a healthy emotional release comes through a process called Role, Function & Purpose after which some people even walk away free from years of pain.

Book a free discovery call and download this FREE Guided Meditation to reveal Peace and relieve Anxiety

What is also unique to RTT, is a technique called Command Cell Therapy which inspires the body to heal itself. You will be rewiring your mind to inform your whole being to overcome whatever your health concern is.  You will see how the age old adage is true: Mind over Matter! You will experience first hand how to command your body to do what you’ve always wanted it to do, but just did know exactly how to!

Last but not least, another powerful technique we’ll be working with is called: Upgrading the Child. This is another incredible tool which offers a quick and incredibly effective way of overcoming the effects of childhood issues. Many people feel open to a love that they thought was not available to them, and begin to feel what self-love is all about. 

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